Lumenis IPL 

WHAT IS IPL (intense pulsed light)?
Also know as Photo-rejuvenation.

IPL is a non-invasive aesthetic treatment that uses a flash of light to target skin imperfections such as broken blood vessels, hemangiomas, age/sun spots, Rosacea and uneven skin tone. When the light reaches the pigment in these skin imperfections it is converted to heat which damages the discolored cells without harm to healthy tissue. The treated pigment or vessels will slowly fade over the next few days to a couple of weeks.

Unprotected exposure to the sun should be avoided for 4 weeks before and after treatment to prevent complications. We recommend a Sunblock with SPF of 30 or higher.



A cold gel is applied to the area to be treated and your eyes will be covered to protect them from the bright light. The IPL handpiece is chilled to cool the skin during treatment. With each pulse of light you will feel a warm stinging sensation similar to the snap of a small rubber band which resolves very quickly. At the time of treatment brown pigment will darken and fade away over the next few days to a couple of weeks depending on the severity of the imperfection. Deeper imperfections such as broken capillaries may disappear at the time of treatment or darken, but will be reabsorbed by the body. You may feel a “sunburn” sensation in the area of treatment for a few minutes to a few hours and can treat this in the same way you would treat a normal sunburn. After treatment you can resume your usual daily activities, including wearing makeup.


Depending on the number of conditions you are treating, and the severity of the imperfections, a series of 4 to 6 treatments is usually recommended with 3 weeks between treatments. In a few cases a single treatment may achieve the desired result. By dividing the treatments we provide gradual improvement with very low risk and “NO DOWN TIME”.

IPL is often paired with microdermabrasion and topical treatments to speed your results and then to maintain the effects of treatment.